GUEST POST: Nicola Newland from The Designery Creative

nicola-newland-blog4 Ways to Improve your Business through Effective Graphic Design

As a business owner, I’m sure you have numerous priorities in your working day and graphic design is possibly not high on your to-do list. It’s tempting to ignore the need for graphic design within your business, here are 4 ways it can play an integral role in helping your business communicate better.

1. Branding

The brand image of your company starts with your logo and penetrates through every area of your business. The design of a great logo should resonate with your target audience; it should be attractive, functional and memorable.

2. Communication

Professional graphic design produces visual imagery that can help you communicate key messages to staff, clients and your target audience. Often, a powerful image can communicate ideas that words alone just can’t, making it an excellent way to create a positive impression and convey what you want to say.

3. Professionalism

You really only have one chance to make a great first impression with your target audience. As tempting as it may be to design your company logo yourself, it really is more cost effective in the long term to get it right, demonstrate your professionalism and hire an expert to do it.

4. Consistency

Great graphic design executed consistently across your marketing literature can help you establish your business as credible and professional. Take for example the logo on your staff uniforms; a good design can help employees feel a sense of commitment to the brand, demonstrating you are a serious business, here for the long game.

Thank you for taking time to read this post. If you would like any help or advice, please pick up the phone or drop me an email, I’d be happy to have a chat with you.

Nicola Newland

The Designery Creative

t: 0121 733 2777

m: 07825 271850

e: [email protected]


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