Brummies Networking To Open First Group In USA

Brummies Networking is very pleased to announce that we are expanding!
By the end of 2021, we plan to open our SECOND Brummies Networking branch, in Birmingham, Alabama.
Expansion into the USA was inevitable, and what better place than our most famous namesake. Over the next few years we plan to open branches in every other Birmingham in the USA, of which there are 14 in total.
This is all part of our grand plan, in which we aim to spread the Brummies Networking ethos into every ‘Birmingham’ possible.
With no format, open networking being what we’re known for, it’s something that can be applied instantly. And the USA will be our next stop.
Covid has prevented us from doing this so far; but as soon as the world starts opening up again, the team and I, hopefully come September, will be on a plane to Alabama to get the local team in place all set up and ready to go.
Obviously, as a Brummies Networking member, and being a no-fee membership organisation, you will be able to attend ANY Brummies Networking event in the USA as well as here in the UK. So if you’re ever in the Alabama area, do pop in – you’ll be assured of a warm welcome.
The expansion is in no way linked to the rumour that one of the Brummies Team downloaded an image of the Alabama skyline on an early draft, and instead of admitting their mistake, insisted it was meant for the other Birmingham’s networking newsletter.